GA2208644 EVERGO™ 輕便摺合遊戲欄 - 淺灰
Brand: Graco
Graco's EverGo playpen is your lightweight, every-journey solution to keep your little one safe. Whether you're playing indoors or out at the park or beach, you can pop open this stylish and durable playpen in seconds. When ready to go, fold it back up just as fast.
EverGo is perfect for bringing along with you, thanks to the carry bag’s convenient shoulder strap. Weighing less than 7kg, it is no hassle to pack in the boot of your car or hop on the tube.
You and your little one will love the easy-access zipped entrance that lets energetic toddlers go wherever they please, without any heavy-lifting from mum or dad.
品牌: Graco
GA2208644 EVERGO™ 輕便摺合遊戲欄 - 淺灰
Graco EverGo 嬰兒遊戲圍欄輕巧實用,適合家居或出外使用,確保孩子安全。無論您是在室內還是在公園或海灘玩耍,您都可以在幾秒鐘內打開這款時尚耐用的嬰兒遊戲圍欄。回程時,亦可以同樣快的速度將其折疊起來。
EverGo 配有收納袋及方便的肩帶,非常適合隨身攜帶。重量不到 7 公斤,輕鬆放入車尾箱或攜帶乘坐交通工具。
Product Information 產品資料
適用期間: 初生 ~ 3歲為止(體重15Kg以下)
尺寸(mm): 展開時 L1300 × W680 × H730
收摺時 L240 x W240 x H730
重量: 6.64kg
◇ 戶內戶外皆適宜
◇ 耐用布料, 適合任何天氣
◇ 瞬間打開
◇ 簡單秒內收摺
◇ 輕量6.64kg
◇ 方便進出拉鍊入口
◇ 安全鎖使安心使用
◇ 可拆機洗布料
◇ 可移除式UPF50+太陽篷
◇ 透氣網布保持空氣流通
◇ 收納袋方便攜帶及存放
◇ 歐洲嬰兒安全標準
Service Area 服務地區
We only sell and ship products to Hong Kong and Macau. We will not make deliveries outside of these territories.
Shopping Guide 購物須知
Please read the shopping guide before checking out.